When you think of wallpaper, you might think of gauche colors and dowdy patterns, but times have changed. Wallpaper has seen a renaissance lately due to better technology, material, and engaged designers rediscovering opportunities for artistic brilliance. As far as trends go, we think wallpaper is going to be sustained, and will once again become a movement in interior design.
Why go with another bare, painted wall? White paint is overdone and underwhelming. Wallpaper is expressive, fun, and it has shed its stuffy historic and retro associations. There are so many luscious patterns, bold prints, and surprising styles that the possibilities are endless. Don’t believe us? Let us introduce you to two of our wallpaper vendors that will change your mind.
Maestros of artisanal wallpaper, LondonArt never fails to inspire buzz. For years now, they’ve released collections that demonstrate a wide variety of inspiration and a conscious dedication to artistry and craftsmanship. We love how LondonArt creates wallpaper for any purpose—they have wallpapers for bathrooms, kitchens, showers, and even outdoor application. Great design with unlimited possibilities? Sign us up!
Their latest collection has some superb wallpapers ranging from wonderful patterns to full-size murals, which can be used to great effect in creating vivacious accent walls and stunningly decorated rooms. The collection strikes an elegant balance between lovely textures and amazing murals: from the restrained geometry of ‘Kabe’ by Carlo Colombo, to the bold scenery of ‘Ipanema’ from Francesca Besso. A wide range of artists and styles creates limitless visual choices for the interior designer, from rich textures to bold prints.
Meystyle achieved something truly unique and incredibly chic in 2004 with their unveiling of LED wallpaper, and since then they’ve established themselves as master innovators. The integrated lights don’t add any thickness, each roll is custom-made per project, and any professional paperer can install it—all you need is a spare electrical socket. The low wattage LEDs have an estimated lifespan of 6 years when on 24/7, and come in warm and cool colors.
With 11 groundbreaking collections under their belt, Meystyle have thoroughly explored their medium and continue to develop truly breathtaking wallpaper. LEDs can be concentrated to create accent points, or spread throughout a roll for a widely enchanting effect. Their Parallel Perception collection stands out for us, with the gracefully-integrated rectangular OLED lights of the Elevation, Photon, and Lantern lines really sparking our imagination.
As well as LED lights you can also add Swarovski (needs registered trademark thing) crystals for a truly dazzling effect.
Create Something Unique
The resurrection of wallpaper as a strong design option is a joy to see after years of humdrum and minimalist painted walls. Wallpaper creates a visual richness that reduces the need for other hangings, making it possible to fill a space, change its mood, and create a memorable atmosphere just by changing the walls.
We have wallpaper from Meystyle, LondonArt, and plenty more at the Sklar showroom. Browse books packed with gorgeous examples and find something that will help you transform your space and make any environment truly beautiful and remarkable.