The first Design a Pet Bed Contest was a great success and showcased the creativity and originality of all who entered it—-Design students, Designers, and animal lovers.
Done in conjunction with the first annual “Love your Dog Day” these beds were on display at the store for several days and will now be auctioned at the main fundraiser of the Tri-County Animal Rescue, the 13th annual Doggie Ball on Sunday March 22nd 2015.
Tri-County Animal Rescue (TCAR) is a no-kill, non-profit animal shelter working to prevent the killing of over 170,000 unwanted pets in Miami, Broward and Palm Beach Counties each year. Since their inception in 2001 they have saved over 50,000 domestic animals from being euthanized and this has been due to their very strong record of placing animals in homes through their adoption process. The second main arm of the organization is education through awareness and this includes businesses and the local schools.
Have a look at these photos and you will see our unofficial judge Max was very comfy in every bed he tried!
The Top Dog Award went to “LoubPawTins” designed by Courtney Thomas and Olivia Marshall from the Art Institute of Florida. Every person, without exception broke into a smile when they saw this wonderful oversized shoe. Complete with a secret door on the back of the heel for treats it was beautifully made and as you can see Max is very comfy!
Second place went to “the Stiletto Stroll” by Roberta Stealy. This bed was both luxurious and tongue in cheek—-we all know the expression “in my next life I am coming back as my dog!”. I guarantee none of us have a bed as wonderful as this! Purple silk on a down pillow tucked into a gold box—-complete with gold stilettos. Again Max seems to be a pretty happy camper!
Third place went to “Dog Chillout Space” by Abdullah Abuhaimed and Manuel Noboa also from the Art Institute of Florida. Key Largo and Jimmy Buffet pop into your head when you see the shag roof and the suspended hammock all tucked into a wonderful frame nicely placed on wheels for ease of moving. Very creative and even though a very large dog would be comfortable in the space Max – once again – was sure this was made just for him!
All the rest of the entries were equally creative and well executed—-we had a baseball bed, we had beds made from frames, shelter glam beds and one with a chalk board for the animal’s name. Scroll through the pictures on our Facebook to find your favorite – enjoy! And remember to join us and support the Doggy Ball on Sunday March 22nd 2015. (561-482-8110)