The Borowski Glass Studio

By Sklar Furnishings

Featured Products, Brands & Designers

January 21, 2016

We had a wonderful event last Sunday here in the store. One of the main artists responsible for the whimsical beautiful glass produced by the Borowski studio, Wiktor Borowski and his wife Magdalena came to the store and signed pieces of their work for clients.

We were able to get in touch with many of our clients who have purchased Borowski pieces in the past and they brought their treasures in – hippos, elephants, owls, kiwis and many more. He patiently met with everyone and with dremmel in hand signed their pieces.

We learned a bit more about the story behind their fabulous pieces. The brothers were basically brought up in a glass studio because their father has been a famous glass blower and maker of art his whole life. They decided not only was this talent and art in their blood – they truly loved it. After attending a few glass shows in Europe they felt they wanted to do something completely different. So off they went with vases and plates made like funny brightly colored animals. Were they an instant success? No, but their popularity and reputation just continues to grow.

We have been selling Borowski in the store for many years – why is it so special? The main reason we all think is that it makes you smile. However the richness of the color, the intricacies of the pieces and the immense variety to choose from are also contributors to the success. When asked where the ideas come from Witkor smiled: “Many times from our clients.” He told us about a client from Australia and New Zealand who said: “We are called Kiwis, can you make Kiwis?” and a whole collection was born. Someone else said they love color but they also love black and white – out came the Zebra, the Penguin and the Cygnet. Inspiration from all places.

They have promised to return and we will certainly let everyone know the dates as soon as we know. Watch for more Sklar Sundays with artists in house – design comes in many fun forms and we are proud to bring it to you.

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