Super Media Rooms
There’s much to be said for a good media room: it’s where we relax and find entertainment, whether it’s the big game, a movie, binging a show, or simply sitting back and listening to music.
The best media rooms are well-organized, with plenty of comfortable seating, so that when we’re alone or hosting friends, the experience is perfect. Sklar has plenty of pieces that can make your media room super!
Super Seating
Seating makes or breaks the media room. Whether it’s a long movie or a drawn-out game, you’ll be seated for most of the time you spend here, so why not be comfortable?
The American Leather Venice is a sofa that combines plentiful seating with sleek contemporary style. Expertly crafted and impeccably stylish, this sofa ensures you and your guests will be comfortable throughout the big show.
Recliners and chairs make excellent additions for the media room, allowing some separation between and distance while also making sure you won’t have to drag in chairs from other rooms when company comes!
The stately Aura is an excellent choice as a low-back chair for sitting up straight and snacking, and easily adjusts to a reclining position when it’s time to relax and watch. A simple and subtle design and a plethora of color options make the Aura a perfect match.
Super Storage
Good media rooms also have accessible storage and plenty of surfaces—this helps keep the snacks off the tables where they might get knocked over, and offers room for decorative accessories.
The Align Console in its media configuration is an ideal, pristine pedestal for your TV. The lowered media base ensures it’s at a comfortable level for eyes and necks, and louvered doors allow easy remote control of electronics. A built-in soundbar shelf and cable management make this console a great option.
The Sliding Sideboard is a wonderful storage option. With its sleek style and clean lines, this elegant unit offers plenty of surface space for snacks and accessories. With three storage areas, two of which are accessed via cupboard doors, and the third behind a large sliding door, it’s roomy enough to hold plenty.
Media Done Right
Capacity and comfort are two of the most important parts of the media room. Comfort makes sure nobody gets antsy during long sessions, and capacity makes it feel uncluttered and spacious. With a good console and sidebar, the snacks can get out of the way and necks don’t need to bend too much.
With the Superbowl coming up, media rooms are about to be tested. Is yours ready? If you want to make the most of it, browse online or give us a call to see how we can help make your media room truly super!