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Boca Helping Hands

The mission of Boca Helping Hands is as follows: to provide food and emergency assistance to meet basic human needs and long term solutions to break the cycle of dependence. BHH is a community based 501(c)(3) organization that was formed in 1998 by a group of local religious congregations. They started by serving nutritious hot lunches three days a week and giving out bags of groceries to families.

The Food Program has expanded to six days a week with a Family dinner on Thursday nights. Meals are also delivered to housebound disabled and elderly individuals. In April of 2002 a Resource Center was added to help with crisis life situations. Lastly a Job Mentoring Center that provides coaching, guidance and classes was added in 2014 to complement the services that instill dignity and break the cycle of dependence.

At Sklar we have been involved with Boca Helping Hands since we opened the store in 2002. Our first community partnership in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce was with Boca Helping Hands. Every year our Holiday card gives a $100 coupon to anyone who brings in 3 pieces of non-perishable food. At the end of the food drive Sklar matches this to ensure that we have a lot of food! We run this program well into February so that we can replenish the shelves that seasonally seem to be bare in the months following the generosity of people at the Holidays.

BHH is a well-respected and much needed service in Boca Raton and we are pleased to be a partner with them in helping meet the needs of a growing community.

Visit Boca Helping Hands for more information.

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