Even if you have an idea of the décor you’d like for your home, interior designers are a great reference point for decorating decisions. Designer’s know how to dig a little deeper and ask questions that typically wouldn’t cross a homeowner’s mind. This is because of their education and experience. While it may seem easy to identify the types of styles you like, designers can tell you what will actually work in your room based on numerous factors, an important one being architecture. These 5 points will detail why interior designers are an essential part of your design makeover and how their skills and awareness allow them to pull a room together smoothly.
- A Bundle Of Knowledge. Designers have access to more resources than what a client may have, and this knowledge helps them choose options properly. For example: Just because you like a certain fabric for a chair, that particular fabric may not be strong enough to upholster that chair; it may be too delicate. This is something a designer would know from experience.
- Creating A Timeless Look. Not only will an interior designer pull a room together so that it’s both functional and visually appealing, they know how to create a look that will change and evolve with time. A well-designed space shouldn’t bore you or feel dated after a year. Distinct elements such as strong lines and simple materials will make your space stand the test of time.
- Thinking The Unthinkable. Interior designer’s help you identify things you wouldn’t think of. For example: In a living room, they might ask if you’ll need access to extra seating for those occasional or spontaneous gatherings. A good interior designer will balance the details while still keeping their eyes on the big picture. Put simply, they know what questions to ask before you get started and this will ultimately save you money, frustration and hassle in the long run.
- They Make You Braver. Interior designers understand the color wheel and using pops of color when you feel it might be “too much”. A good designer encourages their clients to be brave and question conventional thinking. For them it isn’t just about recreating a space you saw in a magazine rather, achieving a truly personal space that suits how you live. Ultimately, this may require a little risk in your décor in order to truly grasp your personality and lifestyle.
- Little Things Go A Long Way. Designers are trained in proportion and lots of seemingly small things that are actually very important in bringing a room together. These elements include; hanging artwork, suspending a chandelier over a dining table, adding varieties of texture for depth and comfort, etc. All of these little details add up and are what make the composition of the room complete.
When you’re ready to envision how you wish to not only use but experience your space, give us a call. Our interior designers at Sklar Furnishings are experts in uplifting client’s lifestyles through practical design and timeless style.