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Giving Back: YMCA Inspiration Breakfast of South Palm Beach

The Sklar Furnishings team is proud to support the 21st Annual SOLD OUT YMCA Inspiration Breakfast, to be held on March 1st, 2023 in Boca Raton, Florida. This inspiring event will feature Emmitt Smith as the guest speaker and our very own Linda Paton as a part of the committee.

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Make a Difference and Help Make Our Community Stronger

Sklar Furnishings understands the importance of giving back to the community. This event is a great opportunity to support the YMCA and its mission of “building strong kids, strong families, and strong communities.”

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What Is the YMCA Inspiration Breakfast?

The YMCA Inspiration Breakfast will be an inspiring morning of sharing stories of hope, courage, and achievement. The event will honor individuals who have made significant contributions to the YMCA and the community. Emmitt Smith will be a featured speaker, sharing his inspiring story of success and determination.

Emmitt Smith is a dynamic speaker, entrepreneur, and philanthropist with a passion for giving back to the community. He is a strong supporter of the YMCA and has made significant contributions to its mission of helping build strong kids, strong families, and strong communities. Smith has used his powerful story of overcoming adversity to inspire audiences around the world, and the YMCA Inspiration Breakfast will be no exception.

The YMCA Inspiration Breakfast is not only about honoring individuals for their contributions, but also about raising funds for the YMCA of South Palm Beach County. Funds raised at the event will be used to support the YMCA’s mission of providing quality programs that serve children and families in the community. You can get involved by visiting their website here.

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Sklar Furnishings Is Committed to Giving Back to the Community

At Sklar Furnishings, we are committed to giving back to the community. We understand the importance of supporting organizations like the YMCA, which are dedicated to making a positive impact in our local community. We are thrilled to be supporting the YMCA Inspiration Breakfast and look forward to hearing Emmitt Smith’s inspiring story.

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Get Involved by Visiting the YMCA’s Website

We hope you’ll join us in supporting this great cause. We encourage you to visit their website and learn more about the important work being done by the YMCA of South Palm Beach County. Together we can make a difference and help make our community stronger.

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