The effect that color has on our emotional and mental state is a popular topic—-one that holds particular interest to marketers. They consider color many times to be a powerful communication tool that can be used to signal action, influence mood and cause physiological reactions. Nowhere is this more prevalent than in sports marketing. There is a reason your favorite team has chosen the color it wears. This choice of color can translate very easily into your home decorating as well.
Winning Red
Did you know that more sports teams utilize red in their color scheme than any other color? A study conducted during the 2004 Summer Olympics determined that when the opponents in a game are equally matched the one wearing red is more likely to win! An emotionally intense color, red increases respiration rate and raises blood pressure, giving an energetic advantage to its wearers. In home decor red is often used in dining rooms because it stimulates the appetite and enhances human metabolism. Try red in your decorating scheme in small chunks—paint an accent wall red, choose a red area rug or fill a glass vitrine with glass objects in various shades of red.
Bold color combos
Nothing screams #1 Fan like a room decorated in your alma mater’s colors. To have some fun decorate a small space like the laundry room or the powder room off the media room in the bold complimentary colors—-gold and purple, gold and green, black and orange. A large space devoted to strikingly opposite colors like those used in school and team sports can be overwhelming. Not quite this brave—-go to your school or team website and get a blanket or pillow and start small with them draped over your neutral sofa.
Basic Black
Considered to be a very formal, elegant, and prestigious color black denotes strength and authority. Black contrasts well with bright colors but when paired with powerful red or orange, black is regarded as a very aggressive color. One study found that sports teams dressed in black are more likely to receive penalties and that the students were more likely to associate negative qualities with a player wearing a black uniform. Decorating with black can result in a dramatic look. Temper the tone by using a neutral palette of soft grey or bright white for a dramatic sophisticated look.