With clean lines and shapes akin to modern art forms, well-designed contemporary styles look right at home in nearly every space, and are beautifully compatible with just about everything else we own. The jewelry, or accessories, added to a room makes it home.
Striking the balance between too few and too many accents is key in creating a well- dressed home. This in mind, we turned to a number of contemporary design experts to seek advice on what may feel like a bit of a conundrum: How does one go about properly accessorizing a space without overdoing it?
Dressing For Success
“I think of decorative accessories the way French women wear scarves,” a contemporary design maven described. “She gets up in the morning and puts on the same, well-designed black dress nearly every day, but she throws on her Hermès scarf one day, or the Khai Silk scarf she picked up in Vietnam another, and that’s what makes her entire outfit.
“If you think of the major pieces in your room as the canvas, or little black dress, or jeans and T-shirt,” she continues, “the accessories you choose are the jewelry and shoes. They are the great scarves that you put on that can take the room to the next level. Accessories give your home a finished, pulled together look that make it really feel the way you want it to.”
Still says another designer, as clean a look as contemporary design is, don’t be afraid to ask for professional assistance to achieving the perfect balance.
Who better to help find that great piece of jewelry than a contemporary design consultant? “You can wear a great dress and make it look better by adding beautiful accessories and great shoes,” says one design authority known for exceptional accessorizing. “We are trained in scale and proportion, to know what’s available out there, and we can help identify the piece that will make a room, ‘your’ room.”
Inspiration for great room design can be found in your local Contemporary Design Group showrooms. The stores don’t just sell furniture, they scour markets across the world for special accents for a complete look. “Contemporary design pairs wonderfully with original art, from paintings and other wall decor to sculptures in colored glass, metal and mixed media. The key is to look for pieces that make a statement, whether it’s because of its color, or its scale. But most of all, it is important to surround yourself with things you really love.”